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TWC Outreach Quiz!

How well does your church reach out to its community? Are you ready to welcome visitors? Take this simple quiz to find out where your church ranks in its ability to effectively welcome and connect the unchurched.

Choose the answer that most closely matches where your church is NOW.


1. The desire to reach lost people in our community is included in our Core Values, which influence our decisions, drive our ministry and help us set priorities.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

2. My church has a clear, written vision statement that pictures our desired future.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

3. We have a mission statement that describes who we want to reach, what their needs are and how we do ministry.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

4. Our church has completed a spiritual and demographic analysis of our target group and can describe the community's hopes, fears, and values.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

5. Our core group is well-versed in the church's mission and vision, and they enthusiastically support it with their time and energy.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True


6. My church plans outreach events such as special events, guest speakers and guest day.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

7. We have a clearly defined ministry plan that includes event promotion, personal networking and direct mail.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

8. We have an easy-to-navigate website with its own domain name that closely matches the name of the church, providing essential information about us and clearly communicating our identity.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

9. We regularly invite our contact audience to church events.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

10. Our church has a personal ministries leader or outreach committee overseeing an outreach team.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

11. My church has allocated funds for local outreach programs, events, and tools.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True


12. Visitors of my church are greeted by smiling people of various ages and nationalities.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

13. Visitors are asked to fill out their guest book.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

14. Visitors are contacted after their visit by phone, letter or thank you card.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

15. Visitors can get to know us by reading attractive and informative brochures.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

16. We have a plan for integrating new members and a team of people to implement the plan.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

17. We provide quality childcare and Sabbath  school activities for children, and a youth program for teens.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

18. We make our worship service "user friendly" for visitors.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True


19. Our building is well-maintained and attractive.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

20. Our entrance is visible from the street and well-marked.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

21. We have designated parking for visitors.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

22. We have an information booth or table where attenders can learn more about our church and programs.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

23. Our leadership structure is designed to facilitate outreach through a minimum of red tape and a clear priority to outreach.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

24. Our outreach team has a budget for advertising, direct mail and other tools and can easily access the funds.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True


25. New members are not easily confused, but are directed to parking, classrooms, and worship services with clear, easy-to-read signs.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

26. New members are not embarrassed by being asked to identify themselves by standing, raising their hands, or wearing a special name tag, but they are provided ways to get involved.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

27. New members are not treated as strangers, but are warmly welcomed by current members who have been assigned to the task or respond naturally.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

28. New members are not expected to find the church only on their own, but are actively invited to attend by their church friends who have been trained to use specially designed invitations.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

29. New members are being trained for outreach and evangelism.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True

30. New members are not limited to a single point-of-entry, but are given multiple entry points in addition to our Sabbath day service, such as special events, women's group, small groups and children's programs.
_____ Not True  _____Partly True _______ Mostly True  ____Completely True


Add up your points for each category based on the following scale:
Each Not True = 0 
Each Partly True = 1
Each Mostly True = 2 
Each Completely True = 3
Add all your points together to get your final results.


0 – 30 pts. - You need to take a hard look at your church's commitment to outreach. Your church needs to start fresh and set new visions and goals to make newcomers feel welcome.

30- 60 pts.– Your  church is on the road to being outreach-friendly. Look back over your lower scores and see what areas need improvement – with some simple changes, you can make a huge difference in your ability to reach the unchurched!

60- 90 pts. – Your church is already outreach-friendly, but there may be room for improvement. Invest your time and efforts into raising your lowest scores and you should see an improvement in your outreach efforts!

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