The Witnessing Church: Workbook Begin Again Living Ministries Item Code: WBK-TWCB The Witnessing Church Workbook by Founder/Director Derrick Hall is a result of the many requests he has received
to put into workbook format helping you to become the Witnessing Church.
Suggested Donation: USD$25.00 covers postage and handling
The Witnessing Church Field Training: DVD
Begin Again Living Ministries Item Code: DVD-TWC
This DVD contains a live weekend training conducted by Pastor Derrick and his wife Devaney in California. These
five powerful sessions covers the Pre-work stages and how important it is for churches to plant the seeds so the evangelist
can harvest the crops, the Cycle of Evangelism, six basic reasons why church members don't get involed in witnessing and how
to fix it, how to give a gospel presentation, What Would Jesus Do-Christ's method, answering objections, nuturing and discipling
new converts and MORE...
Suggested Donation: USD$45.00 covers postage and handling
The Witnessing Church: CD-ROM Begin
Again Living Ministries Item Code: CD-TWC This CD-ROM contains The Witnessing
Church handouts, Bible Studies, plus KJV Bible, Steps to Christ and other books. All teaching materials linked to Powerpoint
and Word Master files so you can edit or use in your own presentations.
Suggested Donation: USD$75.00 covers postage and handling