Preliminary Planning for "The Witnessing Church"
Meet with your pastor(s) and your church board to discuss a specific plan of
action of how to best build “The Witnessing Church” into the DNA of your church. If your church leadership are
not committed to it, it will probably not happen. Approach other key church leaders in your area to discuss an area
wide strategy. In your meetings, use the following ideas as a starting point for your discussion and planning. I believe the
Spirit will lead you into the best plan for your context.
Step 1: Introduce “The
Witnessing Church”
I have found in most cases that busy people will not put one more thing into their
schedules unless they are convinced that it will be time well spent. A weekend training on evangelism is a big ask. I’ve
found that if most of the following ideas are implemented, people will be much more inclined to make such a commitment.
- Bring me in to speak one month in advance from the weekend training
date. My message will help to eliminate the fear of witnessing and build credibility and excitement for the weekend
- Encourage everyone to buy The Witnessing
Church workbook purchase price $25.
- Have everyone respond to the following two questions; Are
you nervous about giving bible studies? Feeling insecure about your knowledge of the bible and your abilities? Collect
and synthesize the results, share them with your leaders, and send them to me one week before the weekend seminar date.
Step 2: Request "The Witnessing Church" Evangelism Training
Churches requesting The Witnessing Church program are guided into an ongoing
evangelistic discipleship cycle in which evangelism is seen as a process, not just an event. New members are called
into the church through mission-focused discipleship, which fosters friendship and equips new believers for service faster
than ever.
booking our services, the following expenses are incurred by the church (or churches) hosting the weekend training. These
expenses include, but are not limited to, mileage, meal allowance, lodging and airfare (if required). Please be advised that
all expenses will be finalized to an exact cost prior to the formalized booking of the seminar and that our speaker/trainer
will make every effort to keep these expenses to a minimum.
* Costs can be adjusted to meet any need or budget, no matter
how small or large. Derrick and Devaney do not charge a speaker's fee in order to make this seminar affordable for any size
church or group.
Derrick and Devaney may be contacted by phone at 877.582.2256 or by email at email@balministries.org.

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